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PGP (0x9035856DF1D41F73)
While vehicle immobilizer transponders have gotten increasingly advanced, the authentication between the BCM and ECM is still overlooked. We analyze three systems and break two
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Research uncovering flaws in the RNGs of multiple embedded OSes
In this post we discuss exploiting a vulnerability in DarkComet’s C2 server as well as a new vulnerability affecting earlier versions of Poison Ivy.
We discuss a very interesting crypto challenge of the VolgaCTF Qualifications, which involved some block cipher cryptanalysis, something rarely seen in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions.
We delve into the technical details of Israeli drone feeds, intercepted by GCHQ and the NSA.
Cryptanalysis and a novel real-world card-only attack on the hardened variant of the popular Mifare Classic RFID chip
After being involved a related incident response process, we share some of the details on the CTB-locker ransomware.